Job details for employee assignments to positions.
Data includes start/end dates, status, assignment type properties and salary information.
Entity relationship: Person + Employee + EmployeePosition = EmployeeAssignment
Data includes start/end dates, status, assignment type properties and salary information.
Entity relationship: Person + Employee + EmployeePosition = EmployeeAssignment
annualSalary number Annual salary of the assignment based on calendar year |
appointmentPercent number Percentage of full time appointment for an employee in the position Additional Notes Defaults to position appointmentPercent, if not available for assignment. |
assignmentDescription string Assignment description Additional Notes Defaults to position title, if not available for assignment. |
assignmentEndDate date End date of the assignment |
assignmentStartDate date Start date of the assignment |
assignmentStatus enum Assignment status Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Active' - Assignment status is active as of the defined AssignmentStart and AssignmentEndDates. 'On Leave' - Assignment status is active but the employee is on leave (paid or unpaid). 'Terminated' - Employee position assignment has changed or the employee is no longer active. |
assignmentType enum Type of the assignment Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Primary' - Indicates the employee's primary assignment. If an employee does not have multiple assignments their sole assignment is considered primary. If an employee has multiple assignments, the assignment where they spend the most time is considered primary. 'Secondary' - Indicates an additional employee assignment. This value should be assigned only if the employee has an active primary assignment where they spend more time. 'Overload' - Indicates that the assignment is a temporary overload. |
employeeClass string Employee class code associated with this position, based on position class Additional Notes Defaults to position employeeClass, if not available for assignment. |
employeeClassDescription string Employee class description Additional Notes Defaults to position employeeClassDesc, if not available for assignment. |
employerCode string The code of the institution or body the employee has been assigned to |
fte number The full time percentage attached to the assignment (FTE) Additional Notes Default value if null: 1. |
fullOrPartTimeStatus enum Full-time or part-time status for assignment Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Full Time' - Assignment to a full-time position assignment. This is not determined by the employee's term of contract. 'Part Time' - Assignment to a part-time position assignment. This is not determined by the employee's term of contract. 'Other' - Assignment is not defined by the above options. |
isFaculty boolean If the employee for this assignment is considered faculty, value = 1, else 0 |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
isTempOrSeasonal boolean If the employee for this assignment is considered temporary or seasonal, value = 1, else 0 |
isUndergradStudent boolean If the employee for this assignment is an undergraduate student, value = 1, else 0 |
isWorkStudy boolean If the employee for this assignment is in a work study program, value = 1, else 0 |
payrollScheduleCode string Payroll schedule code |
personId string Employee->personId Unique identifier of employee |
position string EmployeePosition->position Position to which assignment is attached |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
salaryGrade string Salary grade associated with this position, based on position class Additional Notes Defaults to position salaryGrade, if not available for assignment. |
salaryStep string Salary step associated with the salary grade, based on position class Additional Notes Defaults to position salaryStep, if not available for assignment. |
salaryTable string Salary table associated with this position, based on position class Additional Notes Defaults to position salaryTable, if not available for assignment. |
suffix string Code used to create and maintain multiple assignments for the same position for the same employee |