

Professional, instructional and other staff employed by the institution.

Data includes hire, termination and leave dates, employee class/group and primary employee function.

  employeeClass   string   
Employee classification
Additional Notes
Employee class code that determines employee groupings used to help determine controls for benefits, leave, payroll and self-service rules.
  employeeClassDescription   string   
Employee class description
  employeeGroup   string   
Employee group identifier
  employeeGroupDescription   string   
Employee group description
  employeeStatus   enum   
Employment status
Allowed Values
  • Active
  • Leave without Pay
  • Leave with Pay
  • Terminated
Allowed Value Details
'Active' - Employee status is active.

'Leave without Pay' - Employee status is active, but they are on unpaid leave. This value indicates that the record should also have a 'leaveStartDate' and may have a 'leaveEndDate' defined'.

'Leave with Pay' - Employee status is active, but they are on paid leave. This value indicates that the record should also have a 'leaveStartDate' and may have a 'leaveEndDate' defined'.

'Terminated' - Employee status is inactive.
  hireDate   date   
The date the employee was hired
  isIPEDSMedicalOrDental   boolean   
If the employee is considered medical or dental staff per IPEDS requirements, value = 1, else 0
  isIPEDSReportable   boolean   
If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0
  leaveEndDate   date   
Date on which an employee ended a leave period (null if not on leave or if on leave with an end date that has not yet been defined)
  leaveStartDate   date   
Date on which an employee started a leave period (null if not on leave)
  personId   string    Person->personId
Unique identifier of employee
  primaryFunction   enum   
Primary function identifier for each employee used for IPEDS reporting
Allowed Values
  • Instruction - Credit
  • Instruction - Non-credit
  • Instruction - Combined Credit/Non-credit
  • Instruction with Research/Public Service
  • Research
  • Public Service
  • Graduate Assistant - Teaching
  • Graduate Assistant - Research
  • Graduate Assistant - Other
  • None
Allowed Value Details
'Instruction - Credit' - Instructional employee exclusively teaching credit courses.

'Instruction - Non-credit' - Instructional employee teaching non-credit courses.

'Instruction - Combined Credit/Non-credit' - Instructional employee teaching both credit and non-credit courses.

'Instruction with Research/Public Service' - Instructional employee whose regular assignment functions span across instruction/teaching, research, and public service.

'Research' - Employee whose regular assignment function is primarily conducting research.

'Public Service' - Employee whose regular assignment function is primarily carrying out public service activities either on or off campus. (e.g. agricultural extension services, clinical services, or continuing education)

'Graduate Assistant - Teaching' - Graduate assistants who assist faculty or other instructional staff by teaching or performing teaching related duties. (e.g. teaching courses, developing teaching materials, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers)

'Graduate Assistant - Research' - Graduate assistants whose regular assignment function is primarily conducting research.

'Graduate Assistant - Other' - Graduate assistant whose function is not defined by teaching or research.

'None' - Employee whose regular assignment function is not defined by any of the above.
  recordActivityDate   date   
Date source record inserted or modified
  terminationDate   date   
Date on which employment was terminated (null if currently employed)

Example SQL