Student evaluation tests to determine institution admission and/or course placement.
Data includes test type, date taken and test score.
Data includes test type, date taken and test score.
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
personId string Student->personId Unique identifier of student |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
testDate date Date when test was taken |
testScore number Test score |
testScoreType enum Type of test Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing' - The SAT test used to assess comprehension and understanding of English conventions. (Valued on the scale 200-800 in the 'testScore' field) 'SAT Math' - The SAT test used to assess understanding of mathematical concepts. (Valued on the scale 200-800 in the 'testScore' field) 'ACT Composite' - The composite ACT is the average score of the English, mathematics, reading and science scores. (Valued on the scale 1-36 in the 'testScore' field) 'ACT English' - The ACT test used to measure English general education competency. (Valued on the scale 1-36 in the 'testScore' field) 'ACT Math' - The ACT test used to measure Math general education competency. (Valued on the scale 1-36 in the 'testScore' field) |