Aggregated operating ledger records, specifically for use with the IRIS Finance survey for IPEDS.
Data includes revenue and expense categories and properties.
Entity relationship: FiscalYear + ChartOfAccounts = OperatorLedgerReporting
Data includes revenue and expense categories and properties.
Entity relationship: FiscalYear + ChartOfAccounts = OperatorLedgerReporting
accountingString string Full accounting string including all components separated by a dash, no spaces |
accountType enum Type of account Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Revenue' - Net assets inflow of an institution or settlements of its liabilities from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or other activities that constitute the institution's ongoing major or central operations. Includes revenues from fees/charges, appropriations, auxiliary enterprises, and contributions and other nonexchange transactions. 'Revenue Discount' - Revenue reduction transaction. Scholarship or fellowship that is used to pay institutional charges such as tuition and fees or room and board charges. 'Expense' - Reduction of net assets. The costs of goods and services used to produce the educational services provided by the institution. |
beginBalance number Balance at beginning of fiscal period of fiscal year |
chartOfAccountsId string ChartOfAccounts->chartOfAccountsId Chart of accounts identifier |
discAllowAuxEnterprise string Is the account a discount or allowance recorded as an offset (reduction) to revenues of auxiliary enterprises (room and board, books, meals, etc.)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
discAllowPatientContract string Is the account a contractual allowance provided to insurers or other group health providers which are deducted from fees for services provided by hospitals? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
discAllowTuitionFees string Is the account a discount or allowance recorded as an offset (reduction) to student tuition & fees? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
endBalance number Balance at end of fiscal period of fiscal year |
expBenefits string Is the account a benefit expense, excluding Operation and Maintenance of Plant (O&M)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expCapitalConstruction string Is the account construction from all funds (plant, capital, or bond funds) includes expenditure for the construction of new structures and other permanent improvements, additions replacements, and major alterations? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expCapitalEquipPurch string Is the account equipment purchases from all funds (plant, capital, or bond funds)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expCapitalLandPurchOther string Is the account from all funds (plant, capital, or bond funds) and include the cost of land and existing structures, as well as the purchase of rights-of-way or capital outlay other than construction if not specified elsewhere? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expDepreciation string Is the account deprectiation on capital assets? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expExtraordLosses string Is the account a loss from an unusual and infrequent transaction? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFAInstitGrantsRestr string Is the account private source grant revenue received for funding scholarships and fellowships, using restricted-expendable net assets? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFAInstitGrantsUnrestr string Is the account institutional expenditure for scholarships and fellowships from unrestricted net assets, including athletic scholarships and matching portion of other grants? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFALocalGrants string Is the account local govt grant revenue received for funding scholarships and fellowships? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFANonPellFedGrants string Is the account non-Pell Grant federal grant revenue received for student financial aid? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFAPellGrant string Is the account Pell Grant federal grant revenue received for student financial aid? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFAStateGrants string Is the account state govt grant revenue received for funding scholarships and fellowships? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expFedIncomeTax string Is the account federal income tax paid by the institution? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expInterest string Is the account interest paid by the institution? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expOperMaintBenefits string Is the account benefit expense for Operation and Maintenance of Plant (O&M)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expOperMaintOther string Is the account expense for operations established to provide service and maintenance related to campus grounds and facilities used for educational and general purposes)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expOperMaintSalariesWages string Is the account salary and wage expense for Operation and Maintenance of Plant (O&M)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expOther string Is the account a miscellaneous expense not categorized in other fields? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expOwnerEquityAdjustment string Is the account distributions to owners, unrealized losses on securities and other comprehensive income, and other deductions from owners equity? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expSalariesWages string Is the account salary and wage expense, excluding Operation and Maintenance of Plant (O&M)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expStateLocalIncomeTax string Is the account state income tax paid by the institution? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
expSumOfChangesAdjustment string Is the account a loss from the cumulative effect of change(s) in accounting principle? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
fiscalPeriodCode string FiscalYear->fiscalPeriodCode Fiscal period valid for fiscal year Additional Notes Example data: 01 (1st fiscal year period) |
fiscalYear2Char string FiscalYear->fiscalYear2Char Fiscal year in YY format Additional Notes Example data: 19 (2019) |
isAcademicSupport boolean If the account relates to support services that are an integral part of the institution's primary missions of instruction, research, and public service, including expenses for museums, libraries, galleries, audio/visual services, ancillary support, academic administration, personnel development, and course and curriculum development, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isAgricultureOrExperiment boolean If the account relates to agriculture programs and services, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isAuxiliaryEnterprises boolean If the account relates to essentially self-supporting operations of the institution that exist to furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, and that charge a fee that is directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the service, such as residence halls, food services, student health services, intercollegiate athletics, college unions, college stores, and barber shops when the activities are operated as auxiliary enterprises, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isHospitalServices boolean If the account is associated with the operation of a hospital, including nursing expenses, other professional services, general services, administrative services, fiscal services, and charges for physical plant operation, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isIndependentOperations boolean If the account relates to operations that are independent of or unrelated to the primary missions of the institution (i.e., instruction, research, public service), although they may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isInstitutionalSupport boolean If the account relates to day-to-day operational support of the institution, including expenses for general administrative services, executive direction and planning, legal and fiscal operations, and public relations/development, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isInstruction boolean If the account relates to colleges, schools, departments, and other instructional divisions of the institution and expenses for departmental research and public service that are not separately budgeted, including expenses for both credit and noncredit activities, but excluding expenses for academic administration where the primary function is administration (e.g., academic deans), value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If the record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isOPEBRelatedGASB boolean If the account is an OPEB (Other Postemployment Benefits) plan, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isPensionGASB boolean If the account is a benefit pension plan, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isPublicService boolean If the account relates to activities budgeted specifically for public service and for activities established primarily to provide noninstructional services beneficial to groups external to the institution, such as seminars and projects provided to particular sectors of the community, including expenditures for community services and cooperative extension services, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isResearch boolean If the account relates to activities specifically organized to produce research outcomes and commissioned by an agency either external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution, exluding nonresearch sponsored programs (e.g., training programs), value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isRestrictedPermFASB boolean If the account has a constraint placed on use and required to be retained in perpetuity, such as endowment funds, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isRestrictedTempFASB boolean If the account has a constraint placed on use and not required to be retained in perpetuity, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isScholarshipFellowship boolean If the account relates to scholarships and fellowships expenses in the form of outright grants to students selected and awarded by the institution, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isStateRetireFundGASB boolean If the account relates to amounts paid to retirement systems operated by your state government only, including only employer contributions and excluding employee contributions withheld, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isStudentServices boolean If the account relates to admissions, registrar activities, and activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to students emotional and physical well-being and to their intellectual, cultural, and social development outside the context of the formal instructional program, including career guidance, counseling, and financial aid administration, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
isUnrestrictedFASB boolean If the account is not considered restricted or capital-asset related, value = 1 else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0 |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
revAddToPermEndowments string Is the account a gift or other addition to endowments that are permanently nonexpendable? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revAffiliatedOrgnGifts string Is the account revenue from affiliated organizations for which no legal consideration is provided, exluding additions to permanent endowments or capital grants and gifts? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revAuxEnterprSalesServices string Is the account sales of goods or services generated by or collected from the auxiliary enterprise operations of the institution that exist to furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, and that charge a fee that is directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the service? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revCapitalGrantsGifts string Is the account a gift or grant primarily intended to provide for the acquisition or construction of capital assets for the institution? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revDividendEarnings string Is the account dividends earned, including all funds and endowments but excluding dividends of any component units? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revEducActivSalesServices string Is the account sales of goods or services incidental to the conduct of instruction, research or public service? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revExtraordGains string Is the account a gain from an unusual and infrequent transaction? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revFedApproprations string Is the account revenue received by acts of a federal legislative body, excluding grants and contracts, for meeting current operating expenses? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revFedGrantsContractsNOper string Is the account nonoperating revenue from federal govt agencies provided on a nonexchange basis, including federal student grant aid, excluding capital gifts and grants? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revFedGrantsContractsOper string Is the account operating revenue from federal govt agencies for specific research projects or other programs? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revHospitalSalesServices string Is the account sales of goods or services generated by a hospital operated by the postsecondary institution? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revIndependentOperations string Is the account revenue from operations independent of or unrelated to the primary missions of the institution (i.e., instruction, research, public service) although they may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revInterestEarnings string Is the account interest earned, including all funds and endowments? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revInvestmentIncome string Is the account revenue from investments including endowment funds, in the form of interest, dividends, rental or royalty income, and includes both realized and unrealized gaines and losses? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revLocalApproprations string Is the account revenue received by acts of govt body below state level for general support, excluding property taxes, education district taxes or other tax revenue? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revLocalCapitalAppropriations string Is the account local govt appropriations intended primarily for acquisition or construction of capital assets? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revLocalGrantsContractsNOper string Is the account nonoperating revenue from local govt agencies provided on a nonexchange basis, excluding capital gifts and grants? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revLocalGrantsContractsOper string Is the account operating revenue from local govt agencies for specific research projects or other programs? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revLocalTaxApproprations string Is the account revenue received by acts of govt body below state level, including property taxes, education district taxes or other tax revenue? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revOther string Is the account miscellaneous revenue not categorized in other fields? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revOtherNOper string Is the account nonoperating revenue not categorized in other fields? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revOtherOper string Is the account operating revenue not categorized in other fields? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revOtherSalesServices string Is the account operating revenue from other sales of goods or services rendered? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revOwnerEquityAdjustment string Is the account investments by owners, unrealized gains on securities and other comprehensive income, and other additions to owners equity? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revPrivGifts string Is the account revenue from private donor for which no legal consideration is provided, exluding additions to permanent endowments or capital grants and gifts? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revPrivGrantsContractsNOper string Is the account nonoperating revenue from non-govt agencies or organizations provided on a nonexchange basis, excluding capital gifts and grants? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revPrivGrantsContractsOper string Is the account operating revenue from non-govt agencies or organizations for specific research projects or other programs? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revPropAndNonPropTaxes string Is the account revenue from locally imposed property taxes or other taxes levied by the local higher education district, including current, restricted, unrestricted and debt service, but excluding taxes levied by another government and transferred to the local higher education district by the levying government? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revRealizedCapitalGains string Is the account capital gain on securities held in a portfolio that has become actual by the sale or other type of surrender of one or many securities? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revRealizedOtherGains string Is the account actuarial gain or (loss) on split interest agreements or from the disposition of a business segment or on the sale of plant assets or discontinued operations? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revReleasedAssets string Is the account revenue resulting from the reclassification of temporarily restricted assets or permanently restricted assets? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revStateApproprations string Is the account revenue received by acts of a state legislative body, excluding grants and contracts, for meeting current operating expenses? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revStateCapitalAppropriations string Is the account state govt appropriations intended primarily for acquisition or construction of capital assets? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revStateGrantsContractsNOper string Is the account nonoperating revenue from state govt agencies provided on a nonexchange basis, excluding capital gifts and grants? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revStateGrantsContractsOper string Is the account operating revenue from state govt agencies for specific research projects or other programs? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revSumOfChangesAdjustment string Is the account revenue from the cumulative effect of change(s) in accounting principle or accumulated other comprehensive income (i.e. the companys change in total stockholder's equity from all sources other than the owners of the business and net income)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revTuitionAndFees string Is the account tuition or fee revenue from students for educational purposes? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |
revUnrealizedGains string Is the account unrealized gains or losses on certain investments (i.e., debt or equity securities classified as available-for-sale)? Additional Notes Required values: Y or null |