Fiscal years based on chart of accounts.
Data includes fiscal periods and start/end dates.
Data includes fiscal periods and start/end dates.
chartOfAccountsId string ChartOfAccounts->chartOfAccountsId Unique identifier of chart of accounts |
endDate date End date of the fiscal year |
fiscalPeriod enum Fiscal period code description Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Year Begin' - Represents standing before any new financial year activities begin. '1st Month' - First month through month close in the institution's financial year. '2nd Month' - Second month through month close in the institution's financial year. '3rd Month' - Third month through month close in the institution's financial year. '4th Month' - Fourth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '5th Month' - Fifth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '6th Month' - Sixth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '7th Month' - Seventh month through month close in the institution's financial year. '8th Month' - Eighth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '9th Month' - Ninth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '10th Month' - Tenth month through month close in the institution's financial year. '11th Month' - Eleventh month through month close in the institution's financial year. '12th Month' - Twelfth month through month close in the institution's financial year. 'Year End' - Represents financial year final standing after the year's activities have been processed and closed. |
fiscalPeriodCode string Fiscal period valid for fiscal year and chart of accounts Additional Notes Fiscal period code will be used as a reference field. |
fiscalYear2Char string Fiscal year in YY format Additional Notes Example data: 19 (2019) |
fiscalYear4Char string Fiscal year in YYYY format Additional Notes Example data: 2019 |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
startDate date Start date of the fiscal year |