Library branch collection volume, in terms of titles, as of the fiscal year end.
Data reflects collection quantity according to the physical or digital medium of the titles.
Entity relationship: LibraryBranch + FiscalYear = LibraryCollectionStatistic
Data reflects collection quantity according to the physical or digital medium of the titles.
Entity relationship: LibraryBranch + FiscalYear = LibraryCollectionStatistic
bookCountDigital number Total digital book count Additional Notes Report e-book titles owned or leased by the library if individual titles are cataloged and/or searchable through the library catalog or discovery system. |
bookCountPhysical number Total physical book count Additional Notes Report physical book titles owned or leased by the library including government documents if individual titles are cataloged and/or searchable through the library catalog or discovery system. |
branchId string LibraryBranch->branchId Academic library branch identifier |
databaseCountDigital number Total count of digital/electronic databases Additional Notes Report the total number of licensed digital/electronic databases in your collection if there is bibliographic or discovery access at the database level. |
fiscalYear2Char string FiscalYear->fiscalYear2Char Fiscal year in YY format Additional Notes Example data: 19 (2019) |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
mediaCountDigital number Total count of digital/electronic media Additional Notes Report titles of e-media materials, such as titles from Films on Demand or Alexander Street Press, digital graphic and cartographic materials, and e-media titles in aggregated sets in which the library selected the aggregator, even if not listed by each individual title. |
mediaCountPhysical number Total count of physical media Additional Notes Report the number of titles of media materials. Include microforms, audiovisual materials, cartographic and graphic materials, and three-dimensional artifacts and realia. |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
serialCountDigital number Total count of digital serials/periodicals Additional Notes Report the number of e-serial titles that are accessible through the library's catalog or discovery system. |
serialCountPhysical number Total count of physical serials/periodicals Additional Notes Report the number of periodicals, serial titles on microform, newspapers, and annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc. of societies; and numbered monographic series. |