

Library Branch material or supply loans made to or from a given branch. Valid material inclusion items may be returnable or non-returnable items such as books, audiovisual materials, copies of journal articles, book chapters or excerpts

Data reflects totals for a given branch as of the close of the associated fiscal year.

Entity relationship: LibraryBranch + FiscalYear = LibraryItemTransaction

  branchId   string    LibraryBranch->branchId
Academic library branch identifier
  fiscalYear2Char   string    FiscalYear->fiscalYear2Char
Fiscal year in YY format
Additional Notes
Example data: 19 (2019)
  isIPEDSReportable   boolean   
If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0
  loansDocumentsProvided   number   
Total loans and documents provided to other libraries
Additional Notes
Report the number of filled requests for material provided to other libraries. Include all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents.
  loansDocumentsReceived   number   
Total loans and documents received from other libraries
Additional Notes
Report the number of filled requests for material received from other libraries. Include all returnable and non-returnable interlibrary loans and documents received from commercial services.
  recordActivityDate   date   
Date source record inserted or modified

Example SQL

CSV Datasource