Financial aid and awards given to students by various sources, based on financial aid year.
Data includes fund codes/types/sources, award status, offered/accepted/paid amounts, family income and living arrangement.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm = FinancialAid
Data includes fund codes/types/sources, award status, offered/accepted/paid amounts, family income and living arrangement.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm = FinancialAid
acceptedAmount number Accepted amount of financial aid award for academic term |
awardStatus enum Status of financial aid award Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Source Offered' - Aid source offered payment for a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year. 'Source Denied' - Aid source denied payment for the given academic term/aid year. 'Student Accepted' - Student accepted an aid payment of a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year. 'Student Declined' - Student declined an aid payment of a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year. 'Cancelled' - Aid request or payment process was canceled before student accepted payment for the given academic term/aid year. 'Pending' - Decision has not been made to offer/award aid for the given academic term/aid year. |
awardStatusActionDate date Effective date that awardStatus field source record was inserted or modified |
familyIncome number Annual family income of student |
financialAidYear number AcademicTerm->financialAidYear Financial aid year associated with the academic term Additional Notes Example data: 1819 (for 2018-2019) |
fundCode string Fund code associated with financial aid award |
fundSource enum Source who offered and funded the financial aid award Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Federal' - Aid paid to the student through a federal source. In the case of a loan, only label 'Federal' if the student is designated as the borrower. 'State' - Aid paid to the student through a state source. In the case of a loan, only label 'State' if the student is designated as the borrower. 'Local' - Aid paid to the student through a local source. In the case of a loan, only label 'Local' if the student is designated as the borrower. 'Institution' - Aid paid to the student by the institution. In the case of a loan, only label 'Institution' if the student is designated as the borrower. 'Other' - Aid paid to the student through a source not listed above. In the case of a loan, only label 'Other' if the student is designated as the borrower. |
fundType enum Type of fund associated with financial aid award Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Loan' - Aid paid to student as a designated borrower. 'Grant' - Grants are need based aid from any source which do not require repayment. 'Scholarship' - Scholarships are eligibility-based aid from any source which do not require repayment. 'Work Study' - Student work wages which are funded by a source (usually federal or institutional) and is capped by a student's financial need. 'Employer Aid/Tuition Reimbursement' - Aid paid to a student (usually by an employer) to recover tuition related expenses. 'Tuition Waiver' - A tuition waiver is awarded as a credit applied to cover tuition expenses. 'Tuition Discount' - A tuition discount is awarded as a credit applied to partially discount tuition expenses. 'Fellowship' - Fellowships are eligibility-based aid from a source to demonstrate some sort of achievement or research in a chosen field. 'Assistantship' - Aid usually paid by the institution in exchange for teaching or research assistance. 'Other' - Fund type is not described by one of the above fund definitions. |
IPEDSFinancialAidAmount number Financial aid award amount reported to IPEDS SFA survey per IPEDS requirements |
IPEDSOutcomeMeasuresAmount number Financial aid award amount reported to IPEDS OM survey per IPEDS requirements |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
isPellGrant boolean If the financial aid award is considered a Pell Grant, value = 1, else 0 |
isSubsidizedDirectLoan boolean If the financial aid award is a Direct Subsidized Loan, value = 1, else 0 |
isTitleIV boolean If the financial aid award is considered Title IV federal student aid, value = 1, else 0 |
livingArrangement enum Student living arrangement Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'On Campus' - Student is living in any housing facility owned or controlled by an institution. 'Off Campus' - Student is living in a housing facility that is not owned/controlled by the educational institution or the student's parent/legal guardians. 'Off Campus with Family' - Student is living in a housing facility that is owned/controlled by the student's parent/legal guardians. |
offeredAmount number Offered amount of financial aid award for academic term |
paidAmount number Paid amount of financial aid award for academic term |
personId string Student->personId Unique identifier of student |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
termCode string AcademicTerm->termCode Academic term in which financial aid awarded |