

Financial aid and awards given to students by various sources, based on financial aid year.

Data includes fund codes/types/sources, award status, offered/accepted/paid amounts, family income and living arrangement.

Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm = FinancialAid

  acceptedAmount   number   
Accepted amount of financial aid award for academic term
  awardStatus   enum   
Status of financial aid award
Allowed Values
  • Source Offered
  • Source Denied
  • Student Accepted
  • Student Declined
  • Cancelled
  • Pending
Allowed Value Details
'Source Offered' - Aid source offered payment for a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year.

'Source Denied' - Aid source denied payment for the given academic term/aid year.

'Student Accepted' - Student accepted an aid payment of a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year.

'Student Declined' - Student declined an aid payment of a specified aid amount for the given academic term/aid year.

'Cancelled' - Aid request or payment process was canceled before student accepted payment for the given academic term/aid year.

'Pending' - Decision has not been made to offer/award aid for the given academic term/aid year.
  awardStatusActionDate   date   
Effective date that awardStatus field source record was inserted or modified
  familyIncome   number   
Annual family income of student
  financialAidYear   number    AcademicTerm->financialAidYear
Financial aid year associated with the academic term
Additional Notes
Example data: 1819 (for 2018-2019)
  fundCode   string   
Fund code associated with financial aid award
  fundSource   enum   
Source who offered and funded the financial aid award
Allowed Values
  • Federal
  • State
  • Local
  • Institution
  • Other
Allowed Value Details
'Federal' - Aid paid to the student through a federal source. In the case of a loan, only label 'Federal' if the student is designated as the borrower.

'State' - Aid paid to the student through a state source. In the case of a loan, only label 'State' if the student is designated as the borrower.

'Local' - Aid paid to the student through a local source. In the case of a loan, only label 'Local' if the student is designated as the borrower.

'Institution' - Aid paid to the student by the institution. In the case of a loan, only label 'Institution' if the student is designated as the borrower.

'Other' - Aid paid to the student through a source not listed above. In the case of a loan, only label 'Other' if the student is designated as the borrower.
  fundType   enum   
Type of fund associated with financial aid award
Allowed Values
  • Loan
  • Grant
  • Scholarship
  • Work Study
  • Employer Aid/Tuition Reimbursement
  • Tuition Waiver
  • Tuition Discount
  • Fellowship
  • Assistantship
  • Other
Allowed Value Details
'Loan' - Aid paid to student as a designated borrower.

'Grant' - Grants are need based aid from any source which do not require repayment.

'Scholarship' - Scholarships are eligibility-based aid from any source which do not require repayment.

'Work Study' - Student work wages which are funded by a source (usually federal or institutional) and is capped by a student's financial need.

'Employer Aid/Tuition Reimbursement' - Aid paid to a student (usually by an employer) to recover tuition related expenses.

'Tuition Waiver' - A tuition waiver is awarded as a credit applied to cover tuition expenses.

'Tuition Discount' - A tuition discount is awarded as a credit applied to partially discount tuition expenses.

'Fellowship' - Fellowships are eligibility-based aid from a source to demonstrate some sort of achievement or research in a chosen field.

'Assistantship' - Aid usually paid by the institution in exchange for teaching or research assistance.

'Other' - Fund type is not described by one of the above fund definitions.
  IPEDSFinancialAidAmount   number   
Financial aid award amount reported to IPEDS SFA survey per IPEDS requirements
  IPEDSOutcomeMeasuresAmount   number   
Financial aid award amount reported to IPEDS OM survey per IPEDS requirements
  isIPEDSReportable   boolean   
If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0
  isPellGrant   boolean   
If the financial aid award is considered a Pell Grant, value = 1, else 0
  isSubsidizedDirectLoan   boolean   
If the financial aid award is a Direct Subsidized Loan, value = 1, else 0
  isTitleIV   boolean   
If the financial aid award is considered Title IV federal student aid, value = 1, else 0
  livingArrangement   enum   
Student living arrangement
Allowed Values
  • On Campus
  • Off Campus
  • Off Campus with Family
Allowed Value Details
'On Campus' - Student is living in any housing facility owned or controlled by an institution.

'Off Campus' - Student is living in a housing facility that is not owned/controlled by the educational institution or the student's parent/legal guardians.

'Off Campus with Family' - Student is living in a housing facility that is owned/controlled by the student's parent/legal guardians.
  offeredAmount   number   
Offered amount of financial aid award for academic term
  paidAmount   number   
Paid amount of financial aid award for academic term
  personId   string    Student->personId
Unique identifier of student
  recordActivityDate   date   
Date source record inserted or modified
  termCode   string    AcademicTerm->termCode
Academic term in which financial aid awarded

Example SQL