

Scheduling details for each instance of a course offered in an academic term.

Data includes location properties, days/times and instruction type.

Entity relationship: CourseSection + AcademicTerm + Campus = CourseSectionSchedule

  building   string   
Building in which the course section meets
  campus   string    Campus->campus
Campus on which the course section meets
  courseSectionNumber   string    CourseSection->courseSectionNumber
Unique identifier for every course section per termCode/partOfTermCode
Additional Notes
Value is client-defined, but is typically the Course Reference Number (CRN), the Course Section Identifier or a combination of data fields that result in a unique value.
The value for courseSectionNumber will be referenced as a one-to-one relationship in CourseSection, Registration and InstructionalAssignment.
  daysOfWeek   string   
Days of the week on which the course section meets for the startTime/endTime
Additional Notes
Concatenate days of week in the following order and using the values:
Sunday = U, Monday = M, Tuesday = T, Wednesday = W, Thursday = R, Friday = F, Saturday = S.
Multiple records could exist for courseSectionNumber/termCode/partOfTermCode if section meets on various days at various times.
  distanceEducationType   enum   
Distance education type of the course section
Allowed Values
  • Distance education with no onsite component
  • Distance education with mandatory onsite component
  • Distance education with non-mandatory onsite component
  • Not distance education
Allowed Value Details
'Distance education with no onsite component' - Instructional content is delivered exclusively via distance education.

'Distance education with mandatory onsite component' - Instructional content is delivered via distance education but requires an onsite component such as testing or orientation.

'Distance education with non-mandatory onsite component' - Instructional content is delivered via distance education but has an optional onsite component such as academic support services.

'Not distance education' - Instructional content is not delivered via distance education.
  endDate   date   
Date on which course section ends for academic term/part of term
  endTime   string   
End time for the course section for the daysOfWeek
  instructionType   enum   
Instructional method type of course section
Allowed Values
  • Lecture
  • Lab
  • Lecture/Lab Combination
  • Activity
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Independent Study
  • Internship
  • Practicum
  • Residency
  • Seminar
  • Studio
  • Thesis/Capstone
  • Tutorial
  • Other
Allowed Value Details
'Lecture' - Organized presentation of course material from instructor to a group of students.

'Lab' - Hands-on/practical exposure to course subject matter.

'Lecture/Lab Combination' - Combination of lecture and lab components.

'Activity' - Supplemental learning activity.

'Cooperative Learning' - Course completed by students as a group working towards common learning goals.

'Independent Study' - Course curriculum is satisfied through independently directed study and a demonstration of knowledge.

'Internship' - Course that serves to provide credit for an internship or a course that provides an alternative to an internship requirement.

'Practicum' - Course provides practical, hands-on, field-based experience under the supervision of an instructor.

'Residency' - Course related to a training program which allows the resident to perform as a licensed practitioner under supervision.

'Seminar' - Interactive discussion based course aimed at facilitating participation.

'Studio' - Course taught using a studio style of instruction which is based on a guided hands-on approach to learning.

'Thesis/Capstone' - Course which is a program requirement that demonstrates cumulative knowledge in that program.

'Tutorial' - Small scale interactive instruction type course.

'Other' - Course instruction type is not defined by one of the above types.
  isIPEDSReportable   boolean   
If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0
  locationType   enum   
Location type of course section
Allowed Values
  • On-campus
  • Online or Hybrid
  • Other Institution
  • Clinical Facility
  • High School
  • Correctional Facility
  • Foreign Country
  • Other Off-campus Location
  • Other
Allowed Value Details
'On-campus' - Course is held on one of the institution's physical campuses.

'Online or Hybrid' - Course is completed entirely online or in conjunction with an onsite component.

'Other Institution' - Course is held on another institution's physical campus.

'Clinical Facility' - Course is held off campus at a clinical facility.

'High School' - Course is held at a host high school.

'Correctional Facility' - Course is offered to service students in a correctional facility.

'Foreign Country' - Course is offered at a physical location outside of the Institution's home country.

'Other Off-campus Location' - Course offered off-campus and is not defined by on of the above.

'Other' - Course does not fit any of the above types.
  maxSeats   number   
Maximum number of seats available for course section
  onlineInstructionType   enum   
Type of online instruction of course section
Allowed Values
  • Syncronous
  • Asyncronous
  • Combined Sync/Async
  • Other Online
  • Hybrid
  • Not Online
Allowed Value Details
'Syncronous' - Online course which maintains an instructional meeting schedule.

'Asyncronous' - Online course which allows coursework to be completed according to the student's schedule within defined timeframes.

'Combined Sync/Async' - Asynchronous online course which has a synchronous online component.

'Other Online' - Online course which is not described by any of the available options given.

'Hybrid' - Online course which has a required in person component.

'Not Online' - Course is not held as in an online format.
  partOfTermCode   string    AcademicTerm->partOfTermCode
Part of academic term
Additional Notes
If field is not applicable or value unknown, use default value of 1 for full term.
  recordActivityDate   date   
Date source record inserted or modified
  room   string   
Room in which the course section meets
  startDate   date   
Date on which course section starts for academic term/part of term
  startTime   string   
Start time for the course section for the daysOfWeek
  termCode   string    AcademicTerm->termCode
Academic term code
  crn   string    deprecated
Unique identifier for an instance of a course based on academic term, part of term and course number
Additional Notes
Renamed to courseSectionNumber. Remap the crn field to the courseSectionNumber field.
  meetingType   enum    deprecated
Meeting/location type of course
Additional Notes
Removed. Relocate values to the new fields instructionType, locationType, distanceEducationType and onlineInstructionType.
  section   string    deprecated
Course sequence number to uniquely identify a course instance within a term/part of term
Additional Notes
Removed. The section field is not required, since courseSectionNumber uniquely identifies the course section.

Example SQL