Instance of a course offered in an academic term.
Data includes multiple course identifiers, enrollment hours and developmental properties.
Entity relationship: Course + AcademicTerm = CourseSection
Data includes multiple course identifiers, enrollment hours and developmental properties.
Entity relationship: Course + AcademicTerm = CourseSection
billableHours number Billable hours for course section |
college string College associated with the course section Additional Notes could match the Course.courseCollege, but allows for varying values as needed. If college is associated solely on subject and course number, use the same value in both Course.courseCollege and If college is associated partly on course section, the Course.courseCollege value can be null. If college is not associated with a course or course section, both values can be null. |
courseNumber string Course->courseNumber Number to disinguish type of course Additional Notes Typically a 3- to 5-digit string. |
courseSectionLevel enum Academic level of the course section Additional Notes CourseSection.courseSectionLevel could match Course.courseLevel, but allows for varying values as needed. For example, an Independent Study course could have differing levels for course sections, based on student level. If level is assigned based solely on subject and course number, use the same value in both Course.courseLevel and CourseSection.courseSectionLevel. If level is assigned based partly on course section, the Course.courseLevel value can be null. Either CourseSection.courseSectionLevel or Course.courseLevel should have an applicable level value. Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Undergraduate' - Course section is part of a bachelor's/associate degree program or a vocational/technical program below the baccalaureate. 'Masters' - Course section is part of a post-bachelor's level program requiring between 1 and 2 full time equivalent academic years of work. 'Doctorate' - Course section is part of a post-master's level program requiring the preparation of an original dissertation/project which demonstrates substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. 'Professional Practice Doctorate' - Course section is part of a post-master's level program to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to be recognized for professional practice. 'Continuing Education' - Course section is part of additional learning that is not aligned with a degree outcome. 'Other' - Course section can't be described by one of the above. |
courseSectionNumber string Unique identifier for every course section per termCode/partOfTermCode Additional Notes Value is client-defined, but is typically the Course Reference Number (CRN), the Course Section Identifier or a combination of data fields that result in a unique value. The value for courseSectionNumber will be referenced as a one-to-one relationship in Registration, CourseSectionSchedule and InstructionalAssignment. |
courseSectionStatus enum Current status of the course section Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Active' - Course section is currently active and being scheduled for enrollment. 'Inactive' - Course section is inactive and will no longer by scheduled for future enrollment. 'Pending' - Course section is active but has not yet been scheduled. 'Cancelled' - Course section is currently cancelled and not being scheduled for enrollment. 'Renumbered' - Course section is inactive because it was replaced by a similar course under a different identifier. |
creditOrClockHours number Credit or clock hours based on the number of hours per week the course section meets |
customDataValue string Client-defined value for use as needed, such as an additional identifier |
department string Department associated with course section Additional Notes CourseSection.department could match the Course.courseDepartment, but allows for varying values as needed. If department is associated solely on subject and course number, use the same value in both Course.courseDepartment and CourseSection.department. If department is associated partly on course section, the Course.courseDepartment value can be null. If department is not associated with a course or course section, both values can be null. |
division string Division associated with the course section Additional Notes CourseSection.division could match the Course.courseDivision, but allows for varying values as needed. If division is associated solely on subject and course number, use the same value in both Course.courseDivision and CourseSection.division. If division is associated partly on course section, the Course.courseDivision value can be null. If division is not associated with a course or course section, both values can be null. |
enrollmentHours number Credit or clock hour value or remedial/ESL/co-op equivalent hour value to be used for enrollment reporting |
isClockHours boolean If course hours are reported in clock hours instead of credit hours, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Default value if null: 0/false. |
isESL boolean If course section is considered an ESL course, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Default value if null: 0/false. |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
isRemedial boolean If course section is considered a remedial course, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Default value if null: 0/false. |
partOfTermCode string AcademicTerm->partOfTermCode Part of academic term Additional Notes If field is not applicable or value unknown, use default value of 1 for full term. |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
section string Additional identifier to distinguish a particular instance of a course |
subject string Course->subject Subject associated with the course Additional Notes Typically a 2- to 4-char string in all caps. |
termCode string AcademicTerm->termCode Academic term code |
campus string deprecated Campus associated with course section Additional Notes Removed. The campus field is relocated to the Course Section Schedule entity with other scheduling properties. |
crn string deprecated Unique identifier for an instance of a course based on academic term and course number Additional Notes Renamed to courseSectionNumber. Remap the crn field to the courseSectionNumber field. |
maxSeats number deprecated Maximum number of seats available for course section Additional Notes Removed. The maxSeats field is relocated to the Course Section Schedule entity with other scheduling properties. |
sectionStatus enum deprecated Current status of the course section Additional Notes Renamed to courseSectionStatus. Remap the sectionStatus field to the courseSectionStatus field. |