Student application status and admission decision, based on academic term and application number.
Data includes secondary school information and student type/level on entry.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm = Admission
Data includes secondary school information and student type/level on entry.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm = Admission
admissionDecision enum Institution or student admission decision Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Admitted' - Admission request has been accepted and the student is able to enroll. 'Admitted, Waitlisted' - Candidate meets qualifications for admittance but the invitation to enroll is pending review of the entering class. 'Decision Pending' - Admission request has been submitted and is being reviewed. 'Denied' - Admissions request has been reviewed and closed as denied. 'Student Accepted' - Admissions request has been accepted, an admission offer has been made, but a response has not been received. 'Student Accepted, Deferred' - Admissions request has been accepted but the decision to offer enrollment has been deferred for future review. 'Application Withdrawn/Inactive' - Application request is closed before a decision is made or an admissions offer has closed. |
admissionDecisionActionDate date Date admission decision record inserted or modified, if different than recordActivityDate Additional Notes If not applicable, use dummy date of: to_date('9999-09-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD'). |
admissionType enum Admission type of applicant Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'New Applicant' - Applicant is applying for the first time at the institution. This includes student that are reapplying because they were denied admission or because they dropped before being considered part of a previous admit cohort. 'Readmit' - Applicant that has been admitted previously, was counted in your admit cohort and is reapplying for admission. 'Special Program' - Admission consideration process was impacted by the student's declared area of specialization being considered a 'Special Program'. 'Internal Transfer/Transition' - Student applying to transfer within an institution to another campus or college. |
applicationDate date Date on which the application was officially on record |
applicationNumber string Application number to record multiple records per student for the academic term |
applicationStatus enum Status of application Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Complete' - The application contains all information needed for consideration and is awaiting a decision. 'Incomplete' - The application process was initiated but is incomplete and a decision can't be made. 'Withdrawn' - The application process was initiated but was closed before a decision was made. 'Decision Made' - The application process was completed and an admission decision was made. This selection should accompany a value for the 'AdmissionDecision' field. |
applicationStatusActionDate date Date application status record inserted or modified, if different than recordActivityDate Additional Notes If not applicable, use dummy date of: to_date('9999-09-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD'). |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
personId string Student->personId Unique identifier of student |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
secondarySchoolClassRankPct number Class rank value shown as a percentage |
secondarySchoolCompleteDate date Date of secondary school completion |
secondarySchoolGPA number The secondary school GPA reported by the applicant |
secondarySchoolType enum Type of secondary school attainment by applicant Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'US High School Diploma' - Completed US specified secondary school requirements in a classroom or independent study format. 'US GED Certificate (or Similar)' - Completed US specified secondary school requirements by demonstrating competency through the General Educational Development (or similar) test. 'Non-US Secondary School Diploma' - Completed non-US specified secondary school requirements in a classroom or independent study format. 'Non-US Secondary School Equivalency' - Completed non-US specified secondary school requirements by demonstrating competency through an equivalency test. |
studentLevel enum Student level of applicant Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Undergraduate' - Student pursuing a bachelor's/associate degree program or a vocational/technical program below the baccalaureate. 'Masters' - Student is pursuing a post-bachelor's level program requiring between 1 and 2 full time equivalent academic years of work. 'Doctorate' - Student is pursuing a post-master's level program requiring the preparation of an original dissertation/project which demonstrates substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. 'Professional Practice Doctorate' - Student is pursuing a post-master's level program to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to be recognized for professional practice. 'Continuing Education' - Student is pursuing additional learning that is not aligned with a degree outcome. 'Other' - Student can't be described by one of the above. |
studentType enum Student type of applicant Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'High School' - Student is earning college credits before completing high school. If the student returns to the college after completing high school, they should be considered 'First Time'. 'First Time' - A student who has no prior postsecondary experience attending any institution at the undergraduate level. This includes students who entered with advanced standing (college credits or recognized postsecondary credential earned before graduation from high school). For systems/coordinated institutions, a student is only considered 'First Time' if they did not attend another institution within the same coordinated system prior to applying at your institution. 'Transfer' - Transfer-in student at the institution for the first time that attended another postsecondary institution at the same level. These students are transfers regardless of whether they are entering with or without credits. For systems/coordinated institutions, a student is a transfer if they applied to your institution after attending another institution within the same coordinated system. 'Continuing' - A 'Continuing' or returning value describes a student that: 1) Was previously a 'First Time' student at the institution. 2) Is returning to the institution after having left for a period. 3) Did not transfer to another institution during their time away. 'Re-admit' - A student that: 1) Was previously a 'First Time' student at the institution. 2) Is returning to the institution after having left for a period. 3) Transferred to another institution during their time away. 'Visiting' - A student that is enrolled at another institution that plans to take courses at your institution but it not seeking a degree/certificate from your institution. 'Unknown' - Student can't be described by one of the above. |
termCodeAdmitted string AcademicTerm->termCode Academic term in which the student was admitted at current student level |
termCodeApplied string AcademicTerm->termCode Academic term in which student applied |