Student curricumum and fields of study designation, based on student ID, educational level and academic term.
Data includes degree programs, majors, minors and concentrations with associated priorities.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm + DegreeProgram + FieldOfStudy + Campus (optional) = AcademicTrack
Data includes degree programs, majors, minors and concentrations with associated priorities.
Entity relationship: Person + Student + AcademicTerm + DegreeProgram + FieldOfStudy + Campus (optional) = AcademicTrack
academicTrackStatus enum Status of degree/curriculum and associated fields of study Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'In Progress' - Indicates that a given record contains declared academic track information and that this student has enrolled. 'Completed' - Indicates that the requirements for the academic track program selection have been satisfied for a given record. 'Applied' - Indicates that a given record contains declared academic track information but the student has not yet enrolled. |
campusOverride string Campus->campus Campus associated with the degree/curriculum if it differs from the degree program campus Additional Notes If campus value is different than DegreeProgram.campus, field should include the alternate campus code. If null, DegreeProgram.campus value will be used. |
collegeOverride string College associated with the degree/curriculum if it differs from the degree program college Additional Notes If college value is different than, field should include the alternate college code. If null, value will be used. |
degreeProgram string DegreeProgram->degreeProgram Unique identifier for an academic course of study that results in a formal award Additional Notes Value is client-defined, but typically includes the degree and major and/or a combination of data fields that result in a unique value. The value for degreeProgram will be referenced as a one-to-one relationship in DegreeProgram and Award. |
departmentOverride string Department associated with the degree/curriculum if it differs from the degree program department Additional Notes If department value is different than DegreeProgram.department, field should include the alternate department code. If null, DegreeProgram.department value will be used. |
divisionOverride string Division associated with the degree/curriculum if it differs from the degree program division Additional Notes If division value is different than DegreeProgram.division, field should include the alternate division code. If null, DegreeProgram.division value will be used. |
fieldOfStudy string FieldOfStudy->fieldOfStudy Field of study associated with the degree/curriculum |
fieldOfStudyActionDate date Date the field of study data was inserted or modified, if different than recordActivityDate Additional Notes If not applicable, use dummy date of: to_date('9999-09-09', 'YYYY-MM-DD'). |
fieldOfStudyPriority number Priority of field of study per type Additional Notes Example data: 1 (1st Major), 2 (2nd Major) |
fieldOfStudyType enum FieldOfStudy->fieldOfStudyType Type of field of study Allowed Values
Allowed Value Details 'Major' - Student's primary area of specialization. If a student is pursuing a double major, they may have multiple 'In progress' records labeled as 'Major'. If a student pursues a split major, the 'degreeProgram' of greatest specialization should be considered a 'Major' and the lesser specialization would be considered a 'Minor'. 'Minor' - Student's secondary area of specialization. If a student is pursuing a split major, the area of lesser specialization would be considered a 'Minor'. 'Certification' - A focused area of specialization resulting in a certificate of completion rather than a degree. 'Concentration' - Describes a specific emphasis or alternative track within a primary area of specialization (major). 'Special Program' - Describes a track that deviates from traditional guidelines/timelines and does not result in a degree/certificate. Examples may include study abroad, exchange student programs, dual enrollment, internships, etc. |
isCurrentFieldOfStudy boolean If field of study data is most current for degree and term code effective, value = 1, else 0 |
isIPEDSReportable boolean If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0 |
personId string Student->personId Unique identifier of student |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
termCodeEffective string AcademicTerm->termCode Academic term code in which the academic track is effective |
academicTrackLevel enum deprecated Level of degree/curriculum and associated fields of study Additional Notes Removed. The academicTrackLevel field is not required, since the degree level value is located in the Degree entity. |
campus string deprecated Campus associated with the degree/curriculum and associated fields of study Additional Notes Renamed to campusOverride. If the campus value differs from the degree program campus value, remap the campus field to the campusOverride field. |
college string deprecated College associated with the degree/curriculum and associated fields of study Additional Notes Renamed to collegeOverride. If the college value differs from the degree program college value, remap the college field to the collegeOverride field. |
degree string deprecated Degree/certification associated with the degree program Additional Notes Removed. The degree field is not required, since the degree value is located in the Degree Program entity. |
department string deprecated Department code associated with the degree/curriculum and associated fields of study Additional Notes Renamed to departmentOverride. If the department value differs from the degree program department value, remap the department field to the departmentOverride field. |