Undergraduate and graduate level student charges, specifically for use with the IRIS Institutional Characteristics survey for IPEDS.
Data includes tuition and room/board amounts, broken down by residency (in-district, in-state, out-of-state).
Data includes tuition and room/board amounts, broken down by residency (in-district, in-state, out-of-state).
addtlFinAidWebsite string If your institution requires additional financial information separate from the FAFSA form which is used for the purpose of awarding institutional financial aid, include the full (including protocol) url where this information can be found. |
diffTuitionAmounts boolean If your institution charges different tuition for in-district, in-state, or out-of-state students, then 1, else 0 Additional Notes The value in this field is used for all levels. |
ftftDegreeLiveOnCampus boolean If all full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students are equired to live on-campus or in institutionally-controlled housing, then 1, else 0 |
grApplicationFee string Graduate application fee for admission Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if no full-time graduates, graduate award levels offered, or no application fee for admission required. |
grApplicationFeeWaiver boolean Indicate if graduate program applicants to your institution can have the application fee waived if they demonstrate financial need. If yes then 1, else 0. |
grFTAvgTuitionDist string Graduate full-time average tuition in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grFTAvgTuitionInSt string Graduate full-time average tuition in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grFTAvgTuitionOutSt string Graduate full-time average tuition out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grFTReqFeesDist string Graduate full-time required fees in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grFTReqFeesInSt string Graduate full-time required fees in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grFTReqFeesOutSt string Graduate full-time required fees out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeDist string Graduate part-time per credit hour charge in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeFeesDist string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, In-district graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeFeesInSt string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, In-state graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeFeesOutSt string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, Out-of-state graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeInSt string Graduate part-time per credit hour charge in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeOutSt string Graduate part-time per credit hour charge out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeTuitDist string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, In-district graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeTuitInSt string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, In-state graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
grPTCredHrChargeTuitOutSt string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, Out-of-state graduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
housingCapacity string Institutionally-controlled housing (either on- or off-campus) capacity for academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 1 to 999999, or null if not applicable; Default value (if no record): null. |
institControlledHousing boolean If your institution offers institutionally-controlled housing (either on or off campus), then 1, else 0 |
mealsPerWeek string If the institution offers fixed meal plans, provide the number of meals per week in the maximum plan available Additional Notes Valid values: If provideMealPlans field is 'Yes - number in max plan, then 2 to 99 (unlimited = 99), else null; Default value (if no record): null. |
promiseProgramParticipant boolean Indicate whether or not your institution participates in a Promise program. If yes then 1, else 0. |
provideMealPlans string Do you offer board or meal plans to your students? Additional Notes Valid values: No, Yes - number in max plan, Yes - number varies; Default value (if no record or null value): No. |
recordActivityDate date Date source record inserted or modified |
reqAddtlAssetInfoForAid boolean For the purposes of awarding institutional financial aid, does your institution require asset information from students who qualify for the exemption from asset reporting on the FAFSA form? If yes then 1, else 0. |
reqAddtlFinInfoForAid boolean For the purpose of awarding institutional financial aid, does your institution require additional financial information separate from the FAFSA form? If yes then 1, else 0. |
surveyCollectionYear string IPEDSClientConfig->surveyCollectionYear IPEDS collection survey year Additional Notes Valid format YYyy (1920 for 2019-2020) |
tuitGuarPlan boolean Indicate whether or not your institution offers a tuition guarantee plan. If yes then 1, else 0. |
tuitOtherPlan boolean Indicate whether or not your institution offers an alternate tuition plan that is not one of the following - tuition guarantee, prepaid tuition or tuition payment plan. If yes then 1, else 0. |
tuitPaymentPlan boolean Indicate whether or not your institution offers a tuition payment plan. If yes then 1, else 0. |
tuitPrepaidPlan boolean Indicate whether or not your institution offers a prepaid tuition plan. If yes then 1, else 0. |
typicalBoardChg string Typical board charge (maximum plan) Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
typicalCombRoomBoardChg string Typical combined room and board charge - answer only if you CANNOT separate room and board charges Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
typicalRoomChg string Typical room charge (double occupancy) Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugApplicationFee string Full-time, first-time undergraduate application fee for admission Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if no full-time undergraduates, undergraduate award levels offered, or no application fee for admission required |
ugApplicationFeeWaiver boolean Indicate if undergraduate program applicants to your institution can have the application fee waived if they demonstrate financial need. If yes then 1, else 0. |
ugBooksAndSupplies string Full-time, first-time undergraduate books and supplies for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugCompFeeDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate comprehensive fee in-district for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugCompFeeGuarDist boolean If you have guaranteed fees in-district, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugCompFeeGuarIncrPercDist string Guaranteed fee increase % in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugCompFeeGuarIncrPercInSt string Guaranteed fee increase % in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugCompFeeGuarIncrPercOutSt string Guaranteed fee increase % out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugCompFeeGuarInSt boolean If you have guaranteed fees in-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugCompFeeGuarOutSt boolean If you have guaranteed fees out-of-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugCompFeeInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate comprehensive fee in-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugCompFeeOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate comprehensive fee out-of-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugExpensesOffCampus string Full-time, first-time undergraduate off-campus (not with family) other expenses for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), ornull if not applicable. |
ugExpensesOffCampusFamily string Full-time, first-time undergraduate off-campus (with family) other expenses for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugExpensesOnCampus string Full-time, first-time undergraduate on-campus other expenses for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFeeDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published fees in-district for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFeeGuarDist boolean If you have fee guarantee in-district, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugFeeGuarIncrPercDist string Guaranteed fee increase % in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugFeeGuarIncrPercInSt string Guaranteed fee increase % in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugFeeGuarIncrPercOutSt string Guaranteed fee increase % out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugFeeGuarInSt boolean If you have fee guarantee in-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugFeeGuarOutSt boolean If you have fee guarantee out-of-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugFeeInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published fees in-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFeeOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published fees out-of-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTAvgTuitionDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time average tuition in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTAvgTuitionInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time average tuition in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTAvgTuitionOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time average tuition out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTCompFeeDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time comprehensive fee in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTCompFeeInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time comprehensive fee in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTCompFeeOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time comprehensive fee out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTReqFeesDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time required fees in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTReqFeesInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time required fees in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugFTReqFeesOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate full-time required fees out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate part-time per credit hour charge in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeFeesDist string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, In-district undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeFeesInSt string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, In-state undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeFeesOutSt string Average per credit hour fees for Part-time, Out-of-state undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate part-time per credit hour charge in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate part-time per credit hour charge out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeTuitDist string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, In-district undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeTuitInSt string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, In-state undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugPTCredHrChargeTuitOutSt string Average per credit hour tuition charges for Part-time, Out-of-state undergraduates. Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugRoomBoardOffCampus string Full-time, first-time undergraduate off-campus (not with family) room and board for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugRoomBoardOffCampusFamily string Full-time, first-time undergraduate off-campus (with family) room and board for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugRoomBoardOnCampus string Full-time, first-time undergraduate on-campus room and board for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugTuitionDist string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published tuition in-district for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugTuitionGuarDist boolean If you have tuition guarantee in-district, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugTuitionGuarIncrPercDist string Guaranteed tuition increase % in-district Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugTuitionGuarIncrPercInSt string Guaranteed tuition increase % in-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugTuitionGuarIncrPercOutSt string Guaranteed tuition increase % out-of-state Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 100. |
ugTuitionGuarInSt boolean If you have tuition guarantee in-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugTuitionGuarOutSt boolean If you have tuition guarantee out-of-state, value = 1, else 0 Additional Notes Required values: 1 or 0. |
ugTuitionInSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published tuition in-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
ugTuitionOutSt string Full-time, first-time undergraduate published tuition out-of-state for full academic year Additional Notes Valid values: 0 to 999999 (no decimals - round to the nearest dollar), or null if not applicable. |
academicYear string deprecated Academic year in format YYYY Additional Notes Value not required to report Institutional Characteristics. |