

Type of awards presented for successful completion of a degree program.

Data includes degree program level and award level (ACAT).

  awardLevel   enum   
IPEDS defined award level (ACAT)
Additional Notes
Updated for IPEDS 20-21 requirements
Allowed Values
  • Postsecondary (<300 clock/<9 semester credit/<13 quarter credit hours)
  • Postsecondary (300-899 clock/9-29 semester credit/13-44 quarter credit hours)
  • Postsecondary (900-1800 clock/30-60 semester credit/45-90 quarter credit hours)
  • Associates Degree
  • Postsecondary (>1800 clock/>60 semester credit/>90 quarter credit hours)
  • Bachelors Degree
  • Post-baccalaureate Certificate
  • Masters Degree
  • Post-Masters Certificate
  • Doctors Degree (Research/Scholarship)
  • Doctors Degree (Professional Practice)
  • Doctors Degree (Other)
Allowed Value Details
'Postsecondary (<300 clock/<9 semester credit/<13 quarter credit hours)' - An award that requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level with a designed time to completion of '300 clock/<9 semester credit/<13 quarter credit hours'.

'Postsecondary (300-899 clock/9-29 semester credit/13-44 quarter credit hours)' - An award that requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level with a designed time to completion of '300-899 clock/9-29 semester credit/13-44 quarter credit hours'.

'Postsecondary (900-1800 clock/30-60 semester credit/45-90 quarter credit hours)' - An award that requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level with a designed time to completion of '900-1800 clock/30-60 semester credit/45-90 quarter credit hours'.

'Postsecondary (>1800 clock/>60 semester credit/>90 quarter credit hours)' - An award that requires completion of an organized program of study at the postsecondary level with a designed time to completion of '>1800 clock/>60 semester credit/>90 quarter credit hours'.

'Associates Degree' - An award that normally requires between 2 and 4 years of full-time equivalent college work.

'Bachelors Degree' - An award that normally requires between 4 and 5 years of full-time equivalent college work.

'Post-baccalaureate Certificate' - An award that requires prior completion of a baccalaureate degree but does not meet the requirements of a master's degree.

'Masters Degree' - An award that normally requires between 1 and 2 years of full-time equivalent college work beyond a bachelor's degree.

'Post-Masters Certificate' - An award that requires completion of an organized program beyond the master's degree, but does not meet the requirements of a doctor's degree.

'Doctors Degree (Research/Scholarship)' - Ph.D. or other doctor's degree beyond a master's requiring a dissertation or project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement.

'Doctors Degree (Professional Practice)' - Award providing recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice.

'Doctors Degree (Other)' - Doctor's level award that is not described by one of the above.
  degree   string   
Unique identifier for the degree/certificate program
  degreeDescription   string   
Description of the degree/certificate program
  degreeLevel   enum   
Level of study for degree
Allowed Values
  • Undergraduate
  • Masters
  • Doctorate
  • Professional Practice Doctorate
  • Continuing Education
  • Other
Allowed Value Details
'Undergraduate' - Bachelor's/associate or a vocational/technical program below the baccalaureate.

'Masters' - Post-bachelor's requiring between 1 and 2 full time equivalent academic years of work.

'Doctorate' - Post-master's requiring the preparation of an original dissertation/project which demonstrates substantial artistic or scholarly achievement.

'Professional Practice Doctorate' - Post-master's demonstration of knowledge and skills required to be recognized for professional practice.

'Continuing Education' - Additional learning that is not aligned with a degree outcome.

'Other' - Can't be described by one of the above.
  isIPEDSReportable   boolean   
If record is applicable for IPEDS reporting, value = 1, else 0
  isNonDegreeSeeking   boolean   
If the degree/certificate program is considered non-degree-seeking, value = 1, else 0
Additional Notes
Default value if null: 0/false
  recordActivityDate   date   
Date source record inserted or modified

Example SQL